Human Rights in the Islamic History

Dr. Abdullah Mohammed Al-Sahli

The political circles in the West and behind it the media machine with its various means, deal with human rights issue with a high degree of professionalism, especially as it has worn the dress of evangelism, and the liberator from the disasters of its violation. This preaching of human rights occurs through information policy that ideologizes the whole rights and gives it its Machiavelli and pragmatic effect. this policy corresponds in our third world two types of speech and consequently two policies, defeatist speech that we hear here and there with an echoing sounds that are not hidden from us, under various pretexts, including pressure in some Islamic countries or other countries, and the second speech is the one defending human rights, and this speech, despite the safety of its purpose, but it embraces the apologeticlanguage  which its users already need a large dose of confidence in oneself  and in the approach. Talking about human rights is a kind of Islamization of the islamicizedand the rooting of the Pedigreed. It goes without saying that Islam came as a text and spirit for this human being at the level of the theory. At the level of application, history has not known,through its long human journey, a preservationof man and his rights more than that in Islam and the Islamic state since the prophet's era, followed by the Caliphate until the continuance of the Islamic countries later, I say so because there are those who consider, and repeat again and again that human rights ended with the end of the age of the Caliphate, and this speech  is in fact a kind of slander, denied by history, when studied impartially and fairly with a careful comparative study, Muslimhistorians witness that ,and Fair enemies -and thanks to what the enemies have witnessed,  Gustav Le Bon says: In fact, nations did not know tolerantmerciful conquerors like the Arabs or a tolerant religion like their religion. "He speaks about aspects of Muslims treatment of non-Muslims; saying:

The Arabs of Spain, in addition to their great tolerance, were characterized by the perfectchivalry,theywere merciful to the weak, and helpless people and follow their conditions, and the other characteristics that the Christian nations in Europe have recently followed. The Orientalist Douzy says: "The tolerance and the good treatment of Muslims to of Dhimmah led to their turn to Islam and they saw its ease and simplicity which they did not know in their previous religions." Orientalist Diorantsays:"In the era of the Umayyad Caliphate, Christians, Zoroastrians, Jews, and Sabians enjoyed a degree of tolerance that has no counterpart in today's Christian countries".In his book "Long History of the Arabs", Philippe writes "The Deemiteslived in their farms and rural homes, followed their cultural traditions and preserved their original languages. Aramaic and Syriacwere their language in Syria and Iraq, Iranian in Persian and Coptic in Egypt. In the cities, Christians and Jews took important positions in the finance, writing and self-employment professions, and enjoyed a great deal of freedom under the caliphate. They received a lot of clemency andcompassion", Jews and Christians also held leading positions and ministerial portfolios, for example, Abdoun bin Saaed..The Assembly had a Christian minister, as was the case of another BeniBweih. Al Mu'tadidappointed a Christian president in the military office of the Muslims' Army.Jews received the goo characteristics of the Muslims more than what the Christians received, and in 985 AD, al-Maqdisi–as EmadAldeenKhaleel mentioned-found that most of the bankers and Money - changersin Syria were Jews, and most of the clerics and doctors were Christians. In the era of a number of caliphs such as Al-Mu'tadid, we believe that the Jews in the state had important positions. In Baghdad, they had a large colony that remained prosperous until the fall of the city. Benjamin Al-Totailivisited the settlement, in (1169AD), where he found ten schools for the rabbinicals, and 23 synagogues, and Benjamin expanded describing the hospitality which the President of the Babylonian Jews received from Muslims, as a descendant of the House ofProphet David - peace be upon him. I would like to conclude with the words of Henry de Chambon, the director of the French magazine "RefiParlementer";saying : "Without the triumph of Charles Martel's brutal army against the Muslim Arabs in France, our country would not have fallen into the darkness of the Middle Ages, and did not suffered its horrorsor the civil massacres caused by the Religious doctrinal fanaticism ,were it not for the savage victory over the Muslims in Poitiers, Spain has been blessed with the grace of Islam and escaped the stigma of the Inquisition and the delay of the progress of the civilization for eight centuries, and no matter how different feelings and opinions regarding our victory, we owe to Muslims al