I know what you're going through, I went through it last year, I felt that I was the one who was tested and that I was the one who waited for the results, I feel that all the pressure is on me, the past days you were feeling same pressure, we thank God for everything and we should be satisfied with everything because we do not know what will happen in the future, but God alone knows and chooses for us the path of goodness, try not to listen to what people say, People will not stop comparisons, they will talk about each person's grades and will not stop it, in the end you should be proud of what your little one did. the family is sad because they look at the effort that has been made, but they do not look at the effort that the person himself made, psychological pressure, nights without Sleeping, anxiety and pending dreams, you have to be behind her every night all the time, reassure her and tell her that you still love her and trust her no matter what happens and whatever the result, they just want to feel that someone will accept them with any result, because they feel from the words of the family that they are not accepted by anyone, you have to accept them and make them feel that they did all they can do in that year. You should tell them that it was a difficult and bad year and if you pass it, this is an achievement as long as you are still in full health and wellness.
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منصة تدوين عربية تعتد مبدأ
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