I'm going to tell you something I've never told anyone before, when I was young, many people abandoned me and I was in a very vulnerable position, unfortunately most of them were my relatives, they completely abandoned me even when I was young, I don't know why for that, maybe because I didn't have any benefit, after that I realized that human hearts change even they are your relatives that carry blood similar to yours, people approach you when you have a benefit and abandon you when you are helpless, after that I decided not to trust anyone completely, because I realized that some people may decide to leave at any time ,but that does not apply to honest people and real people, and you are a real person who does not look at appearances, but rather looks at people's metals and realizes that the real value of a person is what is inside him and not what is visible, I apologize to you, but fear possessed of me, maybe because I felt that the most important goal I want to achieve it in my life in danger, this is not a mistrust but fear possessed of me and I told you before that man is only afraid for the most precious people in his life, I trust you completely but I still do not trust myself, maybe I do not see myself perfect, I am sorry I will not do it again and please do not try to scare me again, I told you everything I did for you to reassure you that I am serious and I will enter the house from the door and I will tell you everything when I meet you face to face so that you can be assured, everything I told you is real words emanating from an honest heart, this was not a mistrust, but fear possessed me and all human beings need reassurance, I am sorry
تدوينات اخرى للكاتب
يا جميل العينين
لم أعد اتحمل ذلك ، لا استطيع ان اخبئ الكلمات بداخلي اكثر من ذلك ، دائما كنت اتعجب من قدرتك على فهم تصرفاتي ، كنت محقا عندما اخبرتني اني لا ا...
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I have come to accept the feeling of no knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspe...
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دعوات ملموسة
في كثير من الأحيان تتأزم الأمور و تتعقد الحياة و يصبح اليوم مليء بالصعوبات ، لكن في بعض الأحيان تحدث معجزات لا تمت للواقع بأي صلة على الإطلا...
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هذه التدوينة كتبت باستخدام اكتب
منصة تدوين عربية تعتد مبدأ
في التصميم و التدوين