I felt that you are confused and maybe thinking about something, when I saw you I felt that your eyes were confused and something was occupying your mind, I want to tell you something I still have the same passion for you and I am still staring at you a lot when I see you and that smile still fascinates me as usual. Let me tell you that you matter so much and I care a lot about you , I hope that your mind is clear and not confused and don't think about negative things because they strain your mind and waste your time, prepare well for the coming days, I am fine and I hope that you are too all the time, I am not sad or upset, what you asked me to do is right. I will stop writing here but I will reassure you from the old place that I am still passionate about you, by the way you looked so funny when I caught you running away, I became able to recognize you easily.
تدوينات اخرى للكاتب
يا جميل العينين
لم أعد اتحمل ذلك ، لا استطيع ان اخبئ الكلمات بداخلي اكثر من ذلك ، دائما كنت اتعجب من قدرتك على فهم تصرفاتي ، كنت محقا عندما اخبرتني اني لا ا...
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I have come to accept the feeling of no knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspe...
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دعوات ملموسة
في كثير من الأحيان تتأزم الأمور و تتعقد الحياة و يصبح اليوم مليء بالصعوبات ، لكن في بعض الأحيان تحدث معجزات لا تمت للواقع بأي صلة على الإطلا...
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هذه التدوينة كتبت باستخدام اكتب
منصة تدوين عربية تعتد مبدأ
في التصميم و التدوين