I'm just going through very frustrating days, I feel like these days don't have any features in the future and that's what makes me a little nervous, I know what I'm doing isn't right but it's a bit of anxiety and it's going to go away quickly, I want to tell you something. I've gotten used to something bad, which is that I've never heard anyone say beautiful and reassuring words to me , but when someone comes with beautiful eyes like you and always tells me beautiful and reassuring words, and I feel that there is someone who cares for me, and never skimps on me with beautiful words, this means so much for me, so why do you think you are the cause of my sadness? There is no one but you who reassures me with beautiful words.
تدوينات اخرى للكاتب
يا جميل العينين
لم أعد اتحمل ذلك ، لا استطيع ان اخبئ الكلمات بداخلي اكثر من ذلك ، دائما كنت اتعجب من قدرتك على فهم تصرفاتي ، كنت محقا عندما اخبرتني اني لا ا...
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I have come to accept the feeling of no knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspe...
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دعوات ملموسة
في كثير من الأحيان تتأزم الأمور و تتعقد الحياة و يصبح اليوم مليء بالصعوبات ، لكن في بعض الأحيان تحدث معجزات لا تمت للواقع بأي صلة على الإطلا...
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هذه التدوينة كتبت باستخدام اكتب
منصة تدوين عربية تعتد مبدأ
في التصميم و التدوين