You have a big heart and this strand no longer exists in many people, I told you before that you have beautiful eyes and a charming smile but your heart is unique, your heart is full of tenderness and kindness like children's hearts, your heart has thin walls and it is very pure Maybe it took that adjective from your distinctive name, try to keep it and not strain it because it has become rare.
I want to tell you something the past days I was a little worried, because I was thinking if I would see you three or four times a week or see you three or four times throughout the semester so I felt a little worried, but in the end I wish nothing just see your charming smile.
And your beautiful words that I never forget are so reassuring, I try to make my words beautiful and reassuring like yours.
Thinking is the most thing that exhausts the mind and makes the heart worried.
sometimes anxiety dominates your heart and negative thinking increases significantly, everyone is exposed to that, but every time I remember that God's destinies are more beautiful than anything then my heart gets reassured, after that I pray to God to bless me with what I wish ,my heart becomes more reassured.
Unique heart
هذه التدوينة كتبت باستخدام اكتب
منصة تدوين عربية تعتد مبدأ
في التصميم و التدوين