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مدة القراءة: دقيقة واحدة

beta hcg test

A quantitative human chorionic gonadotropin beta hcg test measures the specific level of HCG in the blood. HCG is a hormone produced in the body during pregnancy. Other HCG tests include: HCG urine test.
What level of beta-hCG confirms pregnancy?

Pregnancy blood tests can detect hCG hormone levels as low as 5 to 10 mIU/mL. Urine tests. At-home urine tests require higher levels of hCG to detect a pregnancy, typically at least 20 mIU/mL.

What is a good first hCG beta?

With detailed statistical analysis (ROC curve) they concluded that an hCG level of 76 mIU/mL was a suitable cut-off point for predicting viable pregnancy with 80% sensitivity and 82% specificity.

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