?what is fotofind

FotoFind has been specifically designed to enhance the traditional search functionality of any enterprise content management solution. The fully-customizable application allows users to search for and retrieve any content from any location within an organization, accurately in seconds

Content is the currency that fuels and funds digital transformation. Content possesses information about customers — their behaviors, sentiments and value to the organization, but only if you can harness it. Collectively, content buried in repositories, file shares and cloud folders across the enterprise represents the knowledge of the organization. Now, more than ever, an enterprise content strategy is an essential milepost on the journey to becoming a digital business

Enterprise content management (ECM) solutions enable an organization to take full advantage of the customer information and company knowledge embedded in its content. ECM solutions capture, store, activate, analyze and automate business content, providing new value from data that was previously unstructured and unavailable

Store large amounts of content across various file types

Impose order on data based on organizational models

Make resources easy to find, manage, and distribute through search and advanced filtering and tagging

Allow collaboration and the creation of new documents

Ensure the integrity of data and keep it secure with permissions structures

Web Content Management

WCM puts control over the look and feel of a website in the hands of specific, key people. It’s used by organizations with relatively complex websites and strict brand guidelines, giving those key personnel the means to easily update, modify and publish content for the sites while adhering to the guidelines