Search Engine Optimization Basics

Before we dive into the technical details of how to learn SEO 2022, let's start with some of the basics in this chapter.

? Are you new to seo

?Wondering how it works and what's important about it in 2022
You are in the right place

Welcome to the nordic seo guide for beginners

? What is seo

Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing web pages and their content so that they are easy to discover by users who are searching for terms related to your website. The term SEO also describes the process of making web pages easier for search engine indexing programs, known as “crawlers,” to find, inspect, and index your site.

 ?Is seo difficult

Search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo! Others index websites to generate an order based on various ranking algorithms. Can we identify these algorithms? Yes and no.

Google uses more than 200 factors to rank and rank sites. Although we know a lot of them: high-quality content, backlinks, or technical things like site speed, a lot of them are kept in secret.

Of course, you don't need to know all the factors to rank your website. To understand what SEO is, imagine a bowl of soup. There are three important aspects

The bowl represents the technical stuff behind the website (technical and on-page SEO) – without the proper bowl, soup will spread all over the table.

The soup is the content of your website – it's the most important part. Bad Content = Your site won't rank, it's that simple

Spice is high-quality backlinks that increase your website's authority - the final ingredient to making
your SEO soup perfect

?What are Unpaid Organic Search Results

As we have already explained above, Organic Search Results are the search results that appear to the user as a result of effective use of SEO/SEO techniques, and for which no sums have been paid by their owners to appear on the results page.

It used to be easy to spot natural search results. The ad results were visible at the top of the results page, followed by 10 links to natural results. However, over time, the way results are displayed on
search engines has changed.

? So how do you identify natural search results

Today's search results pages (SERPs) contain more ads as well as unique dynamic natural search results called SERP features in addition to regular natural search results. Examples of dynamic search results SERP features we find: Snippets or answer boxes that appear in the form of an answer to your question at the top of the search page inside a box. Related results section or People Also Ask. Photos section related to your search, browse the Forsa website