One of the most important aspects of developing a successful mobile application is implementing effective conversion rate optimization (CRO). Which results in high conversion rates as prospects become committed users and customers. Which results in the best social media marketing result

?What is your reason to improve your CRO conversion rate

?In fact, the big question is:
? Why should we make improvements

The more conversions your digital business generates, the more popular it will be and the more money it will earn

By improving the conversion rate on your business, you can get resources to reinvest in your company's growth and even reach your personal goals

It doesn't matter the size of your company, getting it to make more money while you're panting and working can get you farther

?What do I need to improve my conversion rate

"If you can't measure, unfortunately that means you can never be a manager." Peter Drucker

First of all, ask yourself two questions

?At what point in my client's journey does a lead have contact with my business

?What indicators do I measure

You won't be able to improve anything if you don't have well-defined indicators and you don't know the steps the lead takes.

As we explained earlier, the customer journey is based on three basic stages

1- knowledge

2- consideration

3- The decision

To improve the indicators related to making a purchasing decision, it is necessary to understand the needs of the lead at each of these three stages.

?How do we get started with the first steps of a CRO conversion rate optimization strategy

Now that you know the two key requirements, it's time to take the first steps on the path to continually improving your conversion rates

Clarify your goals

This will help you not to lose your focus while thinking about solutions and tests about your strategy.

Set one goal at a time

Do not think about optimizing many indicators at the same time. Each objective should be related to one or two indicators, at most.

Hypotheses are formed based on facts, not guesswork

?Want to take a test with your audience

Write at least three reasons why you should take the test. If you can answer all three, then you have a good hypothesis. In the opposite case, the topic may have been a throw not on a set.

Learn the tools, but master the concepts

There are countless tools out there to help you in the area of Conversion Rate Optimization

Google Analytics



Google Search Console




Google Tag Manager

Tools are essential, but they can change. The conceptual basis of successful metrics and indicators rarely suffers radical changes.

Imagine that today you depend 100% on a tool, and tomorrow it stops working and disappears from the market.

?What would be the solution

My personal advice to you: always have a map in mind or organize a chart that contains the organizational chart for your conversion optimization strategy

Make a note of the changes

Make a note of both changes in audience behavior as well as the results of your tests. You should know exactly what happened when you risked strategy A at the expense of strategy B

?What is the conversion rate? And what is its importance

The conversion rate is known by the acronym CR, which is the result of dividing the number of visitors to your online store by the number of conversions multiplied by one hundred, and here by conversion, what is meant here is the number of times visitors perform the particular action you ask of them, and this particular action is known as a CTA

For example, if you own an online store selling men's shoes, the specific action required of visitors in this example is to buy men's shoes, so the number of conversions represents the number of shoes sold during a certain period

If the number of visitors to your store is 10,000 per month, and the number of shoes sold during the same period is 400 shoes, that is, the number of conversions in this example is 400. Therefore, the arithmetic equation for the conversion rate is as follows: 10,000/ 400 * 100 = 2.5%, ie the conversion rate is 2.5%

Conversion rate helps e-store owners measure the efficiency of the sales process in relation to the number of visitors to the store. Thus, if this rate is low, it is an indication that there is a problem that needs to be addressed to improve the conversion rate, this is known as CRO for short

Low conversion rates aren't necessarily due to the low quality of your store's products. For example, it could be your store's poor and complex design, or the buyer abandoning their shopping cart, as a study found that about 69% of shopping carts are abandoned at the last minute before completing a purchase.