Some believe that due to the spread of smart devices at the expense of traditional computers, the interest in websites has decreased. And if you are someone who thinks that learning web development is out of date, you are totally wrong. It is no secret that the availability of applications for any startup company on smartphones or tablets is important.

However, with the advancement of the concept of cloud computing and reliance on it significantly, in addition to the emergence of modern web development techniques, the prestige of web development has returned again to the extent that web development languages are used to develop applications for smart devices.

How do you learn web development?

Knowing the components of a web page before learning web development is essential, as it consists firstly of the basic building language HTML, and secondly of the CSS formatting language, as well as programming languages such as JavaScript, in other words it is implemented on the user's device and is influenced in one way or another by the browser type and processing speed On the device and graphics card at times. Web page components extend to include programming languages on the server, or the so-called server side, which in itself is a separate and vast sea and you have to deal with web development companies in Egypt to create the best site at a good cost

So, the answer to the question of how to learn web development is very simple, you need to master and write codes that connect the two sides together. In short, you should start by learning HTML, which is responsible for the appearance of the web page, and the way the elements within it are positioned. With this language, you get to know the main sections of each web page, as well as the components of each section or what are known as tags.

After mastering the web page elements, you will need a tool to coordinate these elements and here comes the role of CSS language, through which you can control any element and its properties such as font color, size, type, as well as its place within the page etc. Finally, JavaScript is a programming language that complements the previous languages. Have you ever entered the wrong password or left a blank field and got a popup telling you there was a problem? In short, this is the JavaScript language.

After you have mastered the previous languages, you have succeeded in creating fairly interactive web pages. However, the information available within it is fixed or variable, but in a very small percentage. So, in this case you need to master one of the server programming languages. Server-side programming languages are diverse, perhaps most notably PHP or ASP.NET from Microsoft. In addition, Python and Ruby are very powerful languages that are somewhat modern, but their simplicity has allowed them to become very popular.

Who is responsible for storing web data?

The data on any website is one of the most important elements, a site the size of Facebook for example contains billions of information shared daily. Therefore, there must be a way to store the data on it. Databases of all kinds are the preferred medium for storing data, whatever their size. XML files can also be used, which is a language similar to HTML, but it is extensible, or in other words, the user can represent the data inside it with the tags he wants and not have to use specific tags as is the case in HTML.

Many databases are available to the user, the most important of which are Mysqli, which is supported by PHP by default, and MariaDB, which has begun to take a large market share. In addition, SQLite which is also used to store data within smart devices. And finally, SQLServer from Microsoft.