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It is widely known that the famous Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci , one of the most well- known Italian painters of the Renaissance era . Yet , hardly has anyone heard of the African Mona Lisa .

After being lost for nearly 43 years , the Nigerian painter Ennono declared that his famous painting will be shown at " ART X Lagos " exhibition at Lagos , one of the biggest cities in Nigeria . According to Reuters , 1975 is the year in which the African Mona Lisa was shown in public for the last time in order to be sold at Bonhams Auction at the Italian Embassy in Lagos .

It should be mentioned that this painting stands for princess Adetutu Ademiluyi , Tutu for short , the grandchild for a famous ruler for Urobba ethnic group . In addition , it symbolizes for the national reconciliation that took place in Nigeria and lasted for three years .

 Gelz Bepat , an expert in modern Nigerian art affirmed that he discovered the African Mona Lisa himself . He received an invitation from a group of people who favored not to mention their personal information to assess one of their paintings . In fact , Bepat didn’t recognize that he would see the lost famous painting , Tutu .On arriving to those people's house , he got shocked for what he just saw ; the painting to be assessed was the African Mona Lisa .

Till now , the way by which the African Mona Lisa reached Nigeria still ambiguous .