It accused the organization "Human Rights Watch" Israeli occupation authorities, on Monday, using "unjustified force" to arrest Palestinian children up to the age of some 11 years, in addition to using the threat to force them to sign confessions.

The organization said in a report, it said that the Israeli authorities failed to notify the parents of children from their places of detention or arrest, based on the children were detained last year in East Jerusalem and the West Bank occupied certificates, at a time of great tension prevailed.

And he urged the director of the Middle East and North Africa Division Sarah Leah Whitson, the United States to put pressure on its ally Israel to end the "abusive practices", at a time when visiting US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter Tel Aviv.

According to the report, "the Israeli security forces used unjustified force to arrest Palestinian children", speaking about the details related to the "offensive operations arrest" of six children.

The report pointed out that the Israeli security forces, "the strangling children and throwing stun grenades on them and beating them during detention, and threatened and interrogated in the absence of their parents or their lawyers, also failed to notify their parents Bmkanhm".

The organization stressed that the Ministry of Defense and the IDF received ones to the accusations, and confirmed that "security officials complied with the law in all cases, including to inform children of their rights."

In testimony to a child named Rashid Q. (11 years), he was arrested by members of the "" Israeli border police force in occupied Jerusalem last November, noting that they put a black bag over his head and had threatened him with beatings.

The boy accused of throwing stones during a period of great unrest and tensions in occupied East Jerusalem, after the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip last summer.

In another case, "Human Rights Watch" report talked about the arrest of the child king-Khatib, 14, a violent manner, its suspicion of throwing stones on a road used by settlers in the occupied West Bank.

The news organization for Khawla al-Khatib and the king's mother, that "four soldiers beat her with something looks like a truncheon" during the arrest until she lost consciousness, and after it was "on the ground, kicked and stepped on her neck, one of the soldiers."

In all cases documented by the organization "Human Rights Watch", the children's families confirmed that the Israeli authorities "did not notify parents of their children arrested, interrogated and children without allowing them to speak with one parent or with a lawyer before the interrogation."

The three children in the report that they had "signed a confession written in Hebrew, which they do not understand, after investigators threatened them." The report pointed out that children Tpouloa themselves from fear during periods of detention, and Raodthm nightmares afterwards.